The Larry Mulcrone Scholarship is awarded on an annual basis to the children of current IDEOA Members. All applicants must be enrolled for the 2024-2025 academic year. To apply, you must fill out the Memorial Scholarship Application Or Electronic Memorial Scholarship Application and include a typed essay consisting of 400-500 words on one of the following topics:
A.) Describe in detail the effect of illicit drug use in the community in which you live. Include the effect it has on illicit drug users, first responders, healthcare providers, families and the entire community.
- OR -
B.) Drug overdose deaths have recently surpassed motor vehicle fatalities in the United States. Explain in detail the reason or reasons drug overdose deaths have increased in the last 10 years.
A complete list of school and community activities/honors must also be included.
A completed Application Packet must be submitted by U.S. Mail and postmarked no later than September 03, 2024. The Application Packet may also be submitted online via the IDEOA website ( no later than September 03, 2024. Award recipients will be notified by e-mail by September 15, 2024, and a check for $500.00 will be mailed to the recipient at the preferred mailing address listed above after notification. Checks will be made payable to the College/University.
Previous winners are not eligible to apply again.